I didn't even know that this lamington would be *even more* delicious because it was all chocolate cake, no jam. Holy crap. Cafes usually put their take-away treats in a little paper bag and I think Clem is learning that when she sees/hears one of those bags come out, something tasty is about to happen. I had a bite and she was immediately like "Givvveeeeee it to meeeeeeeeeee!" We shared, and because it was really that good, I even saved a bit for Alec.

So clean, maybe I should have put her in a bib. Naaaaah.

"This is something I've never tasted, I'm not sure."

"Oh man, yeah I'm sure. That's good. What?"

She liked it so much she even picked up the little crumbly bits.

And a few more at the end for fun. Damn, my kid is cute! She needed a good wipe down and fresh clothes afterward, but we both enjoyed ourselves immensely.
Also, do you see our new window? New house, new window yaaaay! This house has giant floor to ceiling windows in every room and the natural light is something else.
My grandbebby is freakishly cute!